Armenia, Georgia

A party of ten persons from SWES carried out a short but highly rewarding preparatory “expedition” to the historically troubled region of  Armenia and Georgia.  We travelled in 3 rented 4×4 Nivas and a Nissan from snowy Armenian mountains to tropical-like conditions at the Black Sea.

Niva Comrades Nagorno Karabach

Besides the obvious historical theme some attention was also ofcourse given to the contemporary geopolitical situation for ex by shortly visiting Nagorno Karabach.  A part of the group was able to enter the strictly guarded border zone including the Georgian front line to Russian influenced South Ossetia. Although time was far to  short an effort was made to visit a third conflict zone, i.e. Abkhazia.  The status of Abkhazia and South Ossetia is a central issue of the conflict between Russia and Georgia.

Georg_Vardzia Cave town

Georgia 27_30 Oct P1010832 (41)

GEO_Batumi Georgia 26 degrees

Geo_Vardzia bridge Georgia

Georg_Vardzia Cave town Abkhasia

Travellers were Johan Hellman family, Johan Grönlund family, Staffan Holm family and Olof Tegsjö famil

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