Trip to Chernobyl

Trip to Chernobyl 16-20.10.2013 together with / More information: Martin Karlsson
Day 1:
Wednesday 16.10.2013 – 21:00 pm – Getting to Kiev – accommodation in Kiev hostel (nice and clean)
Day 2:
Thursday 17.10.2013 – 9:00 am – 19:00 – trip to the training ground and mud – hotel accommodation in Kiev hostel
Check out the old training ground near Kiev (about 50 km from Kiev) Driving on the training ground all day. Beautiful place tough terrain to ride, a real old training ground in the former USSR. In the evening return to Kiev.Dinner and visit Kiev, Kiev lovely.I was very pleasantly surprised. This is a very large and beautiful city of 3 million people. The whole day very large traffic jams on the road. It is very safe. People very nice. Service very good. Food good and cheap (dinner about 6 euros) Fuel for each station very good. You can pay by credit card, safely. Interesting note …first to fill up in advance and then pay the card 🙂 refuel fuel (diesel price of 1 Euro / liter)In Kiev, beautiful women, all walking around in mini skirts. After a day of mud is a sight to behold. In the evening you can take a taxi or take the metro (subway ticket for 0.25 Euro per person, large and legible subway map, safe) A lot of restaurants, good beer, staff speaks English. It’s safe.Recent underground about 24:00 or TAXI for 5 Euro.Day 3:

Friday 18.10.2013 – 8:00 am – 19:30 pm – all day Chernobyl and Pripyat, Chernobyl dinner, accommodation in Kiev hostelDeparture from the hotel by special bus, from Kiev to Chernobyl, 120 km.Shock Chernobyl and Pripyat.Chernobyl and Pripyat are in the exclusion zone. Entry only with a special permit and a man guide, speaks English. In the same area working every day approximately 5,000 people are safe, very low radiation limits for your health. Staffed by people from Germany, France, the Turks, Ukraine. They sleep outside the area. Lots of trips and visitors. Access to the reactor, and the new sarcophagus. Very quiet. Many animals. You have to see it. It is impossible to talk or write. Ok 15:45 lunch at Chernobyl.17:00 departure to Kiev.Check in at the hostel 19:30 pm.Day 4:

Saturday – 8:00 am – 20:00 back about 200 km to the Polish border and drive the next heavy military training area, a lot of mud and water, but without topinenia car, you can drive around – dinner and overnight stay in a hostel with a disco.Day 5
Sunday – 9:00 am – 16:00 Back to Poland, washing the car on the way (the price of wax and drying 4 Euro)Basic information:
  • Border crossing from Poland: Korczowa or Medyka or Hrebenne – about 2-3 hours of standing
  • Major roads and mistach very wide, nice and even (4 lanes safely)
  • All the expensive side offroad 🙂
  • Kiev very nice and big city (3 million people) – safely
  • Overnight *** good hostel about 10 – 15 Euro per day with breakfast / person, Hotel 50-100 Euro
  • Lunch – food very good – two courses and dessert 6-10 Euro / person
  • Fuel – a lot of stations, fuel very good, the price of max  0,80 – 1.0 Euro per liter, you can pay by credit card – safely
  • Subway ticket for 0.25 Euro per person, open until 24:00 pm
  • Taxi Cheap and Safe. Please note that taxis do not stop just not called. Then it is OK. Or send us a service to the premises arranged for a taxi. It was then that we know the car brand
  • Everywhere safely … We moved a group of six cars. Part of the route on the training ground trying to drive us out of  TV Poland VW Amaroc but could not make it and had to circle around
  • Coming to Ukraine just about 25 euros / day per person for the Ukrainian money. Coming to 5 days just 100-150 Euros per person. You can choose money at ATMs. In Kiev there is a lot of ATMs and safely. Everywhere you can pay by credit card. Safely.
  • Lots of the Raiffeisen Bank, UniCredit Bank
  • Note: The entrance to the Chernobyl by special permission. The authorization takes care of the 14 days prior to arrival.
Best Regards
Jacek Jurkiewicz
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