Tag Archives: Tjernobyl

Trip to Chernobyl

Trip to Chernobyl 16-20.10.2013 together with podroze4x4.pl / More information: Martin Karlsson Day 1: Wednesday 16.10.2013 – 21:00 pm – Getting to Kiev – accommodation in Kiev hostel (nice and clean) Day 2: Thursday 17.10.2013 – 9:00 am – 19:00 – trip to the training ground and mud – hotel accommodation in Kiev hostelCheck out the old training ground near Kiev (about 50 […]

Eastern Europe

All Balkan nations including Kosovo and Albania visited and Moldova, Ukraine including Tjernobyl.  Also the unrecognized Moldovan Russian supported break-out Republic of Transdnistra was explored.  Greek/Bulgarian rocky border area and the western Romanian inland mountains explored and remembered as highlights. On picture bosses of a Transdnistrian army check-point force at western entry from Moldova. Performed […]