2015 – Winter trip to the most northerly Laplands

Travelling the Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian and Russian Laplands and celebrating christmas in Russian Murmansk was a perfect break from the commercial traditions. Highlights were the Finnish ski resorts Ylläs and (mostly) Levi, the food in Swedish Pajala, Norwegian Kirkenes, the Russian mining towns Nikel and Zapoljarnyj along with the desolete ice road from Murmansk to Lotta settlement. Participants were William, Malcolm and Staffan.





aurora borelais

RUS Zapoljarny (2) n

RUS Titovka ooopps (3)

RUS Nikkel dec15 (7)

Levi Finland 2

Levi FInland 4

Levi FInland (2)

Levi FInland (11)

RUS daytime (2)

RUS Murmansk (4)

RUS Nikkel dec15 (6)


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